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20160421-veggie-bagsNow that the days are getting longer and the dreary days of winter are behind us, let’s do a spring cleaning on our nutrition! Break away from comfort foods and focus on fresh produce.

  • Baby greens, asparagus and snap peas are readily available in the beginnings of spring. Challenge yourself to try a new vegetable or fruit in your grocery cart each week.
  • Nothing can beat home grown food. Now is the time to begin gardening. The benefits of growing your own food include unlimited amounts of fresh food in your own backyard to knowing exactly where your food comes from.
  • Our school cafeterias offer fresh salads every day. We wash and chop romaine lettuce, shred whole carrots, and add cucumbers and grape tomatoes. We also serve fresh veggie bags and cups with a variety of fresh vegetables for our students’ snacking pleasure.