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Famous historical figures such as Teddy Roosevelt, Joan of Arc and Lucille Ball were brought to life by 4th graders at Genet Elementary School’s annual Living Wax Museum on Friday in the school gym.

The students stood in front of their poster presentations in costume and recited their life stories to other students, teachers and family members.

“The students combine historical research, costumes and public performance to share insights into the lives of historical and popular world figures, under the theme of visiting a wax museum,” said Principal Ana Yeomans. “This year’s event drew many parents and grandparents and our entire school community who all had opportunities to hear what our ‘wax figures’ had to say about themselves. Congratulations to our students and their teachers on a job well done!”

The project was coordinated by 4th grade teachers Joan Davis, Daniel Scher, Jenna Turnbull and Sarah Virnelli.

“Every year the incoming 4th graders look forward to the Wax Museum,” Mrs. Turnbull said. “It definitely has become a highlight for the students and teachers in fourth grade as each child chooses an admirable person who has contributed something positive in history, while they learn how to take part in research from reputable sources, note taking, and writing a biography.”