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Columbia orchestra at 2015-16 Instrumental FestivalIf you are planning to purchase any books or movies in your holiday shopping this year, please consider supporting Columbia Orchestra’s Book Fair at Barnes and Noble. There are two easy ways to do this.

  1. Visit the store at Colonie Center on Thursday, December 8 where the orchestra will be playing. While there, do your holiday shopping and mention to the cashier that you support the Columbia Orchestra or hand them a coupon.
  1. Order online between December 8-13. On the payment page, click “check this box if it is a Bookfair Order” and include Bookfair #12014064. Click here for directions.

Either way, you don’t pay anything extra, but a portion of your purchase will be donated to Columbia’s orchestra program. The orchestra is fundraising to have Mark Wood (original electric violinist with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra) visit the school again this year.


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