Lottery Results for 2024-25 Pre-K Program

The East Greenbush CSD conducted a lottery for the 2024-25 Pre-K Program on Wednesday evening in the Genet Elementary School auditorium. The lottery, which was open to the public, was operated by an independent auditor. The first 165 children drawn in the lottery are being offered spots in the free Pre-K Program. All remaining applicants will be added to a wait list.

Lottery Results

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Fiestada PizzaHead south of the border for school lunch next month with Tony’s Fiestada Pizza. All cafeterias will be serving the delicious Mexican-style pizza, topped with beef and a blend of cheeses, and the choice of adding taco fixings to create an irresistible taco plate.

The Food Service Department served samples of this pizza to the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council earlier this month. The kids enjoyed it, saying “it has a mild taco flavor” and “all grades will like it.”

Food Services special ordered the product and will be featuring it on the December Menu! Look for it!