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Caution tape for class activity

CTAEP teachers staged a crime scene as a class activity for Columbia students in Crime in Literature and Forensics classes.

Columbia High School students enrolled in the Center for Therapeutic Academic Excellence Program (CTAEP) worked in groups to solve a simulated crime recently as part of their Crime in Literature and Forensics classes. Their teachers staged a crime in which a teaching assistant had been kidnapped from the copy room down the hall. The students were tasked with gathering evidence, conducting interviews and, ultimately, solving the mystery.

Students work on a group activity in classThe students enjoyed the fun activity as they worked together to solve puzzles and earn clues.

“The puzzles were challenging,” said April Bergmann-Haro ’23.

During the activity, students compared handwriting samples to a ransom note, and eliminated suspects by comparing hair samples and shoe prints.

“It felt like I was on NCIS,” said Mariah Kent ’24.