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Columbia High School celebrated its February and March Students of the Month last week. Each student winner was nominated by a teacher or staff member for various categories such as Academics, Citizenship and Most Improved. Congratulations!

Francis Winters (Grade 9)
Nominated by S. Monuteaux for Academics

Michelle Lin (Grade 10)
Nominated by F. Rudofsky for Academics

Eliel Raphael - February and March 2023Eliel Raphael (Grade 10)
Nominated by CAP Staff for Acacemics, Most Improved & Citizenship
Ethan Quail - February and March 2023Ethan Quail (Grade 11)
Nominated by the Business Dept. for Academics & Citizenship
Jacob Mosden - February and March 2023Jacob Mosden (Grade 11)
Nominated by M. Lynagh & M. Margielewski for Most Improved
Colton Wyant - February and March 2023Colton Wyant (Grade 11)
Nominated by M. Lynagh & M. Margielewski for Most Improved
Student Group - February and March 2023Niyah Ventrice, Ana VonStackelberg, Sophia Arduini, Raziya Coleman, Phillip Maughan (Grade 12)
Nominated by P. LeRoy for Citizenship
Lillian Alessi - February and March 2023Lillian Alessi (Grade 12)
Nominated by J. Hladik for Academics