School Taxes

East Greenbush CSD school tax bills are being mailed to district residents on Monday, September 9. Taxes can be paid online or by mail.

More Information | Tax Bills

East Greenbush Central School District residents approved the proposed school budget for 2023-24 earlier today. The $108 million budget will maintain programs and services and it includes staffing additions, technology upgrades, facility improvements and funding to continue the Pre-K Program. Additionally, voters approved the purchase of eight school buses from the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund.

More than 83% of voters approved the school budget, which comes with a 0.5% tax levy increase. The East Greenbush CSD has stayed under the state tax cap every year since its implementation, and it has had no tax levy increase the past two years, all while continuing to maintain programs for students.

The new school buses, which will replace older buses according to the district’s bus fleet management plan, will be purchased from the district’s Bus Purchase Reserve Fund with no impact to taxpayers. The district will be reimbursed for approximately 69.5% of the total school bus purchase by the state.

In addition to the school budget and the school bus purchase, Mark Mann, Michael Buono and Jesse Temple were elected to three-year terms on the Board of Education.

“We are grateful to our community for continuing to support our schools,” said Superintendent Jeff Simons. “Thank you to each of the board candidates for their willingness to help lead our school system. I look forward to working with the board to continue educating the whole child, providing future driven learning opportunities for students and fostering a healthy and safe school climate for everyone.”

The Budget Vote and Board Election was held at four polling locations across the school district on Tuesday, including Goff Middle School, Bell Top Elementary School, Donald P. Sutherland Elementary School and Green Meadow Elementary School.


Proposition #1: School Budget for 2023-24
Yes: 996
No: 192

Proposition #2: School Buses from Reserve Fund
Yes: 1,016
No: 170

Board of Education Election
The three candidates with the most votes have been elected to three-year terms (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026).

Mark Mann: 883
Michael Buono: 857
Jesse Temple: 698
Andy Garrigan: 649
Write-In: 30