School Taxes

East Greenbush CSD school tax bills are being mailed to district residents on Monday, September 9. Taxes can be paid online or by mail.

More Information | Tax Bills

The following was posted on ParentSquare for parents/caregivers of Goff Middle School students on September 4, 2024.

Howard L. Goff Middle School is reviewing its backpack policy for the 2024-25 school year. The current policy, which is part of the East Greenbush Central School District’s Code of Conduct, states that students shall “not carry knapsacks, backpacks, book bags, etc. during school hours for students in grades K-8.”

For many years, backpacks have not been permitted at Goff during the instructional school day. Students enter school each day, put their backpacks in their lockers, and take the books, binders and supplies they need and carry them to classes.

Interim Principal James McHugh said the policy has led to a variety of issues, including:

  • Students who stop at their lockers during the school day, have trouble opening the lockers and can be late to classes or lunch
  • Students end up carrying too many books, binders and notebooks from class to class rather than dealing with the lockers
  • Students are carrying so many instructional materials that they drop them in the hallways

This has not been an issue at other schools in the district because Columbia High School students are permitted to carry backpacks during the school day and elementary students have cubbies in their classrooms.

Each year, Goff receives complaints from parents about the current backpack policy. Mr. McHugh said he has noticed the issues resulting from the policy and acknowledges the concerns of the parents.

He addressed the topic at a faculty and staff meeting on Wednesday morning and the school is sending a short survey to all staff and parents to solicit feedback.

Although the district’s Code of Conduct is reviewed annually, it is our obligation to be responsive and inclusive to all of our stakeholders; students, faculty, staff, and parents,” Mr. McHugh said. “I welcome the opportunity to facilitate an open process to ascertain how our stakeholders feel about the current backpack policy. We need to know what the concerns are and respond accordingly in the best interests of the students we serve.”