Mrs. Zeccolo working helping a student make a triorama.

Visit our Facebook page to see inside the classroom of Red Mill 4th Grade Teacher Heather Zeccolo. On Wednesday, October 16, her students made a triorama (a triangular diorama) and a wampum belt as part of their Iroquois unit. The class had read the book “You Lived With the Iroquois” to learn about the culture, traditions, and lifestyle of the Iroquois.

During the activity, half of the class made a triorama that showed what an Iroquois village would look like by drawing and coloring paper and then adding 3-dimensional components such as longhouses and fire. The other half of the class made wampum belts using string and beads. Halfway through the class, the two groups switched.

As part of the Iroquois unit, students have learned about the importance of nature and how the Native Americans relied on plants and animals to survive. And they have studied the different contributions the Iroquois have made to life today, including snowshoes, moccasins, and the game of lacrosse.

Inside the Classroom will be a regular feature on our website and Facebook page in which we highlight the learning that goes on in our classrooms.