Margie Secor, RN
Phone: 518-207-2604
Fax: 518-283-1184
Please encourage thorough hand washing since 80 percent of germs are spread via hands.
Please keep your student(s) home if they vomit the night before or morning of school. This includes any intestinal symptoms or diarrhea. If your child has a fever, please keep him/her home until fever-free for 24 hours. Students should get plenty of rest and wear sneakers for gym and outside play. Please help your child(children) to dress appropriately for the weather and bring a warm coat & gear for outside play.
In order to administer medication at school, the school nurse must have a written authorization from your child’s doctor giving the frequency and dosage of medication, the condition for which it was prescribed, and an additional note from a parent/ guardian requesting that the medicine be administered at school. The medication must be provided in a properly labeled (store or pharmacy label only) container and must be given directly to the school nurse by a parent. Students are not allowed to carry medicine (including OTC drugs) in school at any time.
Health and Immunization
Students new to the East Greenbush CSD, as well as those in Kindergarten, grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 are required by New York State Law to have physicals done.
Health Screening
New York State mandates that children be screened for vision, hearing, and scoliosis depending on their grade level. Our state also mandates that parents submit a health appraisal on children in K,1,3,5,7, 9,11 grade and any newly entering children. In addition to a health appraisal our state requests a dental certificate to be submitted on students in those same grades and any newly entering student.
Screening Requirements
- Newly Entering Students: Distance and near point vision, color perception, hearing and scoliosis for grade 5 girls only
- Grade K,1,3 and 5: Distance and near point vision and hearing
- Grade 5 girls only: Scoliosis screening
Letters will be sent home to the parents of any student who fails the mandated screening.