Regulations for Use of School Buildings
It is the desire of the Board of Education to grant the privilege of using the building to those organizations or groups that will comply with the law and will benefit the general welfare of the community educationally and recreational. It is also the opinion of the Board of Education that where it is possible such organizations, except those directly connected with the education interests of the school, should pay the added expense such as costs of lighting, heating and custodial service necessary to make possible the use of buildings.
The Board of Education in granting the use of school buildings out of school hours is governed by Section 414 of the Education Law and Section 4 of Article XI of the New York State Constitution. Under these sections the Board of Education may permit the use of the buildings as indicated in the following extract from the Education Law.
SECTION 1. By persons assembling therein for the purpose of giving and receiving instruction in any branch of education, learning or the arts.
SECTION 3. For holding social, civic and recreational meeting and entertainment, and other uses
pertaining to the welfare of the community, but such meetings, entertainment and uses shall be nonexclusive and shall be open to the general public.
SECTION 4. For meetings, entertainment and occasions where admission fees are charged, when the proceeds thereof are to be expended for an educational for charitable purpose: but such use shall not be permitted in such meetings, entertainment and occasions are under the exclusive control, and the said proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a society, association or organization of a religious sect or denomination, or of a fraternal, secret or exclusive society or organization other than organizations of veterans of the military, naval and marine service of the United States and organizations of volunteer firemen.
Section 4 is interpreted to mean that use shall not be permitted if any of the said proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a society, association or organization of a religious sect or denomination, or of a fraternal, secret or exclusive society or organization.
The building space allowed to any group will be proportion to the size of the group, as it is impractical and uneconomic for a small group to use auditorium or gymnasium facilities.
The Board of Education reserves the right to rescind permission granted for the use of the building to any program up to twenty-four hours of program time. The Board also reserves the right to waive any fees or increase them in certain instances.
Groups should plan to limit their meetings so that buildings may be closed at 11:00 P.M. at the latest.
The Board of Education does not assume any liability related to activities off school property sponsored by organizations that are independent of the school district, such as ski clubs, travel clubs etc.