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Helpful Links
- Attendance Matters
- Bus Routes
- Critical Concepts Guide (K-8 ELA and Math)
- District Map and Attendance Zones
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- PowerSchool
- 2024-25 School Supply Lists
- enVisionMath
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What time does school start and end each day?
A: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. for grades K-5. Pre-K is 8:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Q: If I have a question about my child and their progress, who should I contact?
A: If you have a question about your child’s academic progress, please contact their classroom teacher directly, either by sending a message through ParentSquare or by sending an email. Green Meadow Staff Directory.
Q: What special classes are offered?
A: All elementary students have art, music, library and physical education.
Q: In what grade do students begin instrumental music?
A: 5th Grade
Q: What support services are available at school?
A: All elementary schools have Academic Intervention Services for reading, writing and math, as well as, a school social worker, psychologist, and related service providers such as physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech. Students receive services based on their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or their 504 Plan.
Q: How much does breakfast and lunch cost for students?
A: Breakfast and lunch is free for all East Greenbush Central School District students. Extra snacks have an additional cost. Free Meals for All Students.
Q: Do students have snack time at school?
A: Yes. Each class has a snack time.
Q: Do students go outside for recess every day? How long is recess?
A: Elementary students go outside for recess every day unless it is raining, the temperature is below 20 degrees with the wind chill, or for some other safety related reason (e.g., extreme heat). Students have 20 minutes for recess daily. Teachers also have breaks during classes so students can move around and stretch.
Q: What clothing should students have for recess in the winter?
A: Hats, gloves or mittens. When snow is on the playground students should also wear boots and snow pants.
Q: If my child is sick, who should I contact?
A: If your child is not feeling well, please take their temperature. If they have a fever (100 degrees or higher), keep them at home and contact the school by sending a message to your teacher via ParentSquare or emailing the school. When to Keep a Child Home from School.
Q: If my child is going to be late to school or needs to leave early for the day due to an appointment, who should I contact?
A: Please call the main office at 518-207-2640.
Q: Are physical exam forms due every year?
A: No. The NYS Education Department requires a physical exam for new entrants to the district and all students entering the following grades: Pre-K or Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11; annually for interscholastic sports; and working papers as needed; or as required by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).
Q: What immunizations are required to attend school?
A: Minimum vaccine requirements are listed on our website. If you have any questions about immunizations, please contact the school nurse Corey Mestoik at 518-207-2648 or
Q: When do report cards come out and how are they sent home?
A: Elementary schools send home report cards in November, March and June. They are sent via email to parents/guardians from PowerSchool. Report Cards.
Q: What types of safety drills are practiced at school?
A: All East Greenbush CSD schools practice the following drills: evacuation (fire drills), lockdown, secured lockout, shelter in place, hold in place, and bus safety. There is also a district-wide early dismissal drill conducted every November. Safety Drills.
Q: How are parents notified of school closings, delays or emergencies?
A: Parents and guardians will receive an email and text alert from the school district via ParentSquare for weather-related closings and delays. In the event of an emergency or early closing that occurs during the school day, parents/guardians will receive a text, email and phone call.
Q: Are there clubs or extracurricular activities available for students?
A: Green Meadow offers Running Club during nice weather and after school enrichment classes each winter.
Q: How can I join the PTO?
A: Reach out to the PTO to join or drop in at the next meeting. All PTO meetings are posted on the school calendar.
Q: If I have a question regarding school, outside of my child’s academic progress, who should I contact?
A: Please refer to our Communication Protocol guide. It provides contact information by topic (e.g., Food Service, Special Education, Transportation) so you can have your question answered.