School Budget Vote and Board Election - May 21

The East Greenbush CSD has proposed a school budget for 2024-25 that maintains all programs and services with a 0.55% tax levy increase, which is within the NYS Property Tax Cap. Residents will also vote on a $116 million capital project that would improve school facilities and grounds across the district with no impact to local taxpayers, the replacement of eight school buses, which if approved by voters, will be fully paid for by the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund, and elect three individuals to the Board of Education.

Budget Information | Budget Timeline | Budget Newsletter | Capital Project | Where Do I Vote?

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Dear Parents and Guardians,

I want to thank those who were able to attend our field trip information meetings on Tuesday, October 11. For those who were unable to attend, I have put together a brief summary of important topics that were discussed.

  1. Chaperones – we try very hard to accept the majority of parents who sign up to chaperone but we are limited to the total number of rooms we have reserved for the trip. After all of the students and staff have been placed in rooms that will determine how many chaperone rooms we have available. This may require us to hold a lottery for chaperone spots. Please speak with your child to determine which students they will be rooming with and find out if any of the other parents will also be placing their name into the lottery.
    • Each student group will need at least one chaperone and if by chance there are two chaperones assigned to a group, there is the possibility that another group of students without a chaperone may be assigned to one of the chaperones. * Please note – you will never be separated from your child’s group, but you may be responsible for other students as well.*
  2. Chaperone rooms: Chaperones will be placed in rooms of 2. (men with men/ women with women). We will do everything we can to place you with a requested roommate if you have one, but cannot guarantee your choice will be assigned to you.
    • Philadelphia: The majority of the rooms have a queen size bed and a queen size pull out sofa. Please be aware that you may have to sleep on a pull out for 1 night.
  3. Student Groups: Students will be asked to form groups of up to FOUR for their rooming/travel groups. Please tell your child to be sure all students are in agreement that they will be rooming together. If there is another student group(s) who would like to travel with a specific group you will be able to put that request on the rooming sheets that will go out at a later date. If students are discussing their group of 4 and they realize they have a few other friends who want to be in their travel group, the other students can create another group of 4 students and we will make sure they are in the same travel group together.
  4. Fundraising: Washington & Philly Magazine sale: Sale goes from 10/14/16 – 1/11/17. Materials will go out Friday Oct. 14th in homeroom. 45% of sales go towards the students trip balance. **Any money earned exceeding the trip balance will be placed in the general fund.**
    • Washington: ziti dinner (November 19th) – information to be given out in next 2 weeks including tickets.
    • Philadelphia: pancake breakfast (during Winterfest) – information will go out some time after Thanksgiving.
    • Students will receive ½ of their ticket sales for the ziti dinner /pancake breakfast tickets and that amount will be applied to their trip.
  5. The trip itinerary was discussed; however it is tentative at this time and subject to minor change. It can be found in the information packet containing the permission slip.

We are looking forward to another great year of trips. Please feel free to call Ms. Dessureau or myself at 207-2451 with any questions you may have.


Mike Neumann
7/8 Assistant Principal