Genet Elementary
Questar III Hosting Diploma Requirement Forums
Questar III BOCES is hosting three separate feedback forums this month on the topic of the New York State Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. The commission previously presented recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents last fall.
Free Active Parenting Workshop for Parents of Children Ages 5-12
Parents of children ages 5-12 are invited to attend a series of free Active Parenting Workshops on Wednesdays that will offer guidance in the areas of respectful discipline, skills for clear and honest communication, concrete strategies to prevent risky behavior and how to be an encouraging parent.
Welcome Back to School!
Students were welcomed back to school with open arms and big smiles on Thursday. Check out our video and a photo gallery with images from around the school district to see what the first day of school looked like!
Welcome Back to Our Teachers and Staff
All East Greenbush Central School District teachers and staff gathered in the Columbia High School auditorium on Tuesday morning for the first of two Superintendent’s Conference Days to start the 2024-25 school year. Staff will spend those days attending meetings, engaging in professional development and putting the final touches on classrooms before students arrive for the first day of school on Thursday.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus – September 2024
School cafeterias will be serving Popcorn Chicken, Pizza Crunchers, French Toast, Sandwiches, Salads and more in the month of September!
Recognizing Back-To-School Anxiety
As we approach the start of the 2024-25 school year, we are all filled with many different emotions, and so are our students. While many of us are excited for the first day of school, it’s important to acknowledge that many children have feelings of anxiety when returning after a long break.