East Greenbush CSD Accepting Applications for Next Superintendent

The Board of Education of the East Greenbush Central School District is seeking candidates for the position of Superintendent of Schools with the experience, leadership, character, and energy to direct an outstanding school system in its quest for higher levels of achievement and excellence. Applications will be accepted starting January 23 through February 22.

More Information | Application | Brochure | Video


This page includes information for community residents, including information on the annual school budget vote, continuing education and community use of school facilities.

Board of Education

The Board of Education is comprised of nine volunteer members from the community who are elected by district voters for three-year terms. Public meetings are held twice monthly. More information.

Budget Information

On the third Tuesday of each May, New York State residents go to the polls to vote on their school district budget and to elect members of the Board of Education. For more information on the budget, how to join the Budget Review & Advisory Committee (BRAC), voter eligibility or absentee ballots please visit the district’s budget section.

Columbia All-Sports Club

The purpose of the CLUB (Columbia All-Sports Club) is to promote all sports programs in the East Greenbush Central School District for the benefit of student athletic teams and programs. Through the voluntary efforts of its members, the CLUB seeks to enrich the educational experiences, expand postgraduate opportunities, and enhance the citizenship of the student athletes. More information.

Continuing Education

East Greenbush offers a 5-hour pre-licensing course. More information.

District Map and Attendance Zones

East Greenbush Central School District has identified boundary lines for enrollment and transportation purposes. The district map shows the school district’s boundaries and each of the elementary school attendance zones. All students will attend Howard L. Goff Middle School for grades 6-8 and Columbia High School for grades 9-12. More information.

Education Foundation

The East Greenbush Education Foundation, Inc. is an audited 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to raise funds to support student achievement. Founded in 1985 and located in East Greenbush, NY, the Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Foundation awards annual prizes to high school seniors as well as to students for participation in summer enrichment programs. Additionally, the Foundation is the sponsor of the Columbia High School Hall of Fame and the host of the Annual Gala banquet, the premier social event in the community. More information.


Information about open positions and how to apply is available online. More information.

Facility Use

District facilities are available to community groups for events and activities. Groups interested in applying for facility use should fill out forms and send to the building’s school principal at least 14 days prior to their event. Please note that facilities use will only be approved consistent with Board policy and applicable law. School activities, such as interscholastic sports and club events, will have first priority over outside groups, including events that need to be rescheduled. More information.

Friends of Music

East Greenbush Friends of Music (FOM) is a volunteer organization dedicated to fostering and enhancing the music education, performance ability and musical appreciation of all students of the East Greenbush Central School District. More information.

School Start Time Committee

Since September 2018, a School Start Time Committee has been studying the issue of Columbia’s start time and its impact on educational outcomes and district operations. Columbia’s start time of 7:10 a.m., which is the earliest in the Capital Region, was brought to the attention of district administrators as an issue by both parents and students. According to research, later school start times for adolescents may contribute to better physical and emotional health leading to improved academic outcomes for students. The committee has met regularly to determine if scheduling changes would improve the general welfare of students and how those would impact the school community. More information.

Smoking and Other Tobacco Use on School Grounds

Due to the health hazards associated with smoking, and in accordance with federal and state law, the Board of Education prohibits smoking and all other tobacco use in all school buildings, on school grounds, and in any vehicle used to transport children or personnel. Board policy.

For information on smoking cessation programs please visit www.NYsmokefree.com.

Visiting Schools

To ensure the safety of our students, it is the policy of the district’s Board of Education that all building visitors must report to the main office of the school they are visiting. The Board defines a visitor as a person not employed by the school district or not enrolled in the school in which he or she is visiting.


The district’s school tax bills are mailed to residents in September. Tax rates are calculated using final assessment figures provided by the district’s six towns and final equalization rates set by the State Office of Real Property Services in the summer. More information.

Education Sites