About Board Meetings

The Board of Education sets meeting dates for the year at its organizational meeting in July.  The schedule is posted on the district website here.  Meetings of the board typically are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are held in turn at each of the district’s seven school buildings.


Board Meeting Agendas

An agenda is prepared for each board meeting by the president of the Board of Education, in cooperation with the superintendent of schools.

Copies of meeting agendas and supporting materials (provided they are permissible to be released to the public) will be posted on the district’s website one or two days before each meeting. Copies also may be obtained from the district clerk.


Participation in Board Meetings

At every public Board of Education meeting, there are two separate opportunities for visitors to participate. To accommodate public participation, the board provides a maximum of 20 minutes at the beginning and end of each regular meeting.  Public comments are limited to five minutes per individual.  The board will not permit discussion about individual district personnel or students.


Executive Session

The board also meets in executive session to discuss employment matters, labor negotiations and other items that are sensitive or confidential as defined by the state’s Open Meeting Laws. Executive sessions are closed to the public; however, any formal action on the passage of any resolution will be taken in open public meetings. These executive sessions may precede or follow regular board meetings.


Special Meetings

From time to time the board may have special meetings that were not previously scheduled.  To the extent possible, the dates and times of special meetings will be announced on the district website at ww.egcsd.org.


Policies Relating to Board Meetings

  • 1230 Public Participation at Board Meetings
  • 2210 Board Organizational Meeting
  • 2310 Regular Meetings
  • 2320 Special Meetings
  • 2330 Executive Sessions
  • 2342 Agenda Preparation and Dissemination
  • 2350 Board Meeting Procedures
  • 2351 Quorum
  • 2352 Rules of Order
  • 2360 Minutes
  • 2382 Broadcasting and Taping of Board Meetings