School Taxes

East Greenbush CSD school tax bills are being mailed to district residents on Monday, September 9. Taxes can be paid online or by mail.

More Information | Tax Bills


Goff students using chromebooks in classThe District uses technology to support and enhance instruction with the goal of improving student success. Guided by the Technology Committee and a comprehensive Technology Plan, the District provides students and staff with the necessary tools for a 21st century education:

  •  Interactive white boards in classrooms
  •  Computer labs
  •  Handheld devices such as tablet computers
  •  Web-based resources

East Greenbush CSD continually seeks to improve its technology services. In February 2016, the District partnered with Google Apps for Education, allowing for more innovation and collaboration between students and teachers.

In Summer 2017, the New York State Education Department approved two Smart Schools Investment Plan proposals to enhance the district’s instructional technology.

