FAQ for Incoming Freshmen and New Students to Columbia

Columbia High School aerialQ: What time does school start?
A: School starts at 7:10 a.m. with Guide Room. Dismissal is at 2:03 p.m. View Class Schedule.

Q: Will we have an opportunity to go inside Columbia before the school year starts so we can find our lockers and classes?
A: Yes. All freshmen and new students will be given tours of Columbia High School as part of Freshman and New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 29.

Front of Columbia High SchoolQ: How many class periods are in a day?
A: There are 8 periods, with one set aside for lunch.

Q: How long are the classes?
A: Each period is 45 minutes.

Q: How much passing time do we get between classes?
A: 5 minutes.

Q: Are the other kids helpful if we get lost?
A: Yes, there are many students and staff here to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Q: Are students allowed to carry backpacks?
A: Yes.

Columbia students enter school on first day Q: How large are the lockers?
A: Large enough for a book bag and gym bag.

Q: Are 9th and 12th graders in the same hallway?
A: Yes.

Q: Are there hallway sweeps to find students who are late to class?
A: Yes.

Q: What is the consequence if we are late to class?
A: Usually a warning for the first few times, and then you are written up.

Social Studies classQ: Do we get a study hall?
A: Yes, if you have an unscheduled period in your 8-period day.

Q: About how many minutes/hours of homework should we expect?
A: Approximately 30 minutes per core subject.

Q: How many science labs will we have each week?
A: In Science, you will average 2 labs per week.

Q: What are the towers?
A: There is a north and south tower. The third floors of the building are in the towers.

Q: How difficult is it to get from one class to another?
A: Not difficult once you get used to your schedule.

Students in CHS cafeteriaQ: Is lunch really a buffet?
A: There are many choices. Breakfast and lunch menus can be found on the Food Services page.

Q: Do freshmen get split up for lunch?
A: Yes, you could have lunch anytime between periods 4 and 7.

Q: Are there people available to help us like at Goff?
A: Yes, there are 5 school counselors, 2 school psychologists, 2 social workers and 1 student assistance counselor.

Q: How much more difficult is the work for a typical student?
A: Homework and studying are very important. There are more independent assignments than in middle school.

Q: What happens if you fail a class and cannot go to summer school?
A: You must repeat the class, which could affect graduating on time.

Pep Rally dance routineQ: What fun things are there to do at Columbia?
A: Clubs, activities, sports, music, school plays.

Q: Do 9th graders get to go to dances?
A: Absolutely.

Q: What do you think is the hardest thing for 9th graders to adjust to in high school?
A: Balancing freedom with responsibility.