L to R: Student Council Advisors Joan Davis and Scott Siver with Hannah Ortiz and Ryan Ecker at the Ronald McDonald House in Albany.

Student Council Advisors Joan Davis and Scott Siver with students Hannah Ortiz and Ryan Ecker at the Ronald McDonald House in Albany.

Genet Elementary School raised $2,162.75 for the Ronald McDonald House in Albany as part of a school-wide reading program earlier this spring. Students collected donations based on how much they read in the months of February and March.

The donations were recently given to the Ronald McDonald House, which provides a free place for families to stay while their critically ill child receives treatment from local hospitals.

“We are very proud of our students’ continued efforts to reach out and touch the greater community with their kindness and compassion,” said Genet Principal Ana Yeomans. “Their desire to help those in need is inspiring and a credit to the guidance of their parents and teachers.”

The Read for Ronald McDonald House program was sponsored by the Student Council and the Character Education Team.