Good Afternoon Genet Families!

Happy Friday!  This week was filled with the excitement of the upcoming class parties, field trips to make apple cider and, of course, Halloween.  Our students did a tremendous job remaining focused on their academics this week. I want to thank families that signed up to pick your child up after the Halloween Parade for your patience as we made sure we followed our procedures to ensure a safe and orderly reunification of students to their parent(s)/guardian(s).

Here are a few updates for your review:

Genet Journal:

Please take a moment to review this week’s Genet Journal.  You can download it as a .pdf by clicking the hyperlink: Genet Journal for October 29, 2021.

Genet’s Trunk or Treat Event:

Tonight is Genet’s Trunk or Treat Event.  The event will take place from 5-7 PM in the front of Genet. Families are encouraged to park in any available parking around Genet.  Please, do not park in the parking lot that belongs to the apartment complex behind Genet.  We hope to see you there!

Genet’s Veterans Day Salute:

As shared last week with families, please take a moment and download my letter in .pdf format: Letter to Genet Families Regarding Veterans Day.

We are collecting information via a google form (see below for the hyperlink) and we would like to create a video of our students acknowledging their Veteran by asking parents to record a video at home.  This can be done on your cell phone and shared with us.  We ask that all videos be short and follow the following format:

•    Have your child(ren) introduce their Veteran either in person or via a photograph they can hold
•    Camera (if on phone) should be held horizontally
•    Child(ren) should state their name, their Veteran’s Name, relationship to them, and the branch of service they are serving or severed.

Example:  My name is Wayne Grignon and this is my grandpa Jack Daniele.  He served in the Army during the Korean conflict.

We kindly ask that you complete the form below (see hyperlink) and return it no later than November 4th. You can submit your information using this Google Form.  This will help us in the planning process.  Videos should be e-mailed to Mr. LaGoy at by November 4th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. LaGoy or myself.

On Friday, November 5th we will be wearing Red, White and Blue to school that day as part of our Character Education Program.  Classes will be assigned a color to wear that day and this information will be forthcoming from both your child(ren)’s teacher and myself.

Thank you for your assistance!  Again, we ask that all information be entered into this Google Form and videos shared with Mr. LaGoy by Thursday, November 4th. We will be unable to accept any additional submission after this date.

Winter Coat Drive:

CoNSERNS-U is looking provide winter coats to families in need.  If interested, please see the flyer attached:   Winter Coats for Kids.

Thanksgiving Meal Baskets:

CoNSERNS-U is looking to provide Thanksgiving Meal Baskets to families in need.  Attached is a flyer for those interested: Thanksgiving Meal Baskets.

Emergency Dismissal Day – November 10th 

Reminder that on November 10th we will be having our Emergency Dismissal Drill. A letter from our Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction regarding our Emergency Preparedness Drill coming in November was sent home in early October.  If you have missed it, I have attached it here for you: Emergency Preparedness Drill Letter.  Please take a moment and review the letter.  If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 518-207-2681.

I wish you all the best this weekend!  I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend and Happy Halloween!  Thank you for your continued support!


Wayne Grignon

View Genet Journal