School Budget Vote and Board Election - May 21

The East Greenbush CSD has proposed a school budget for 2024-25 that maintains all programs and services with a 0.55% tax levy increase, which is within the NYS Property Tax Cap. Residents will also vote on a $116 million capital project that would improve school facilities and grounds across the district with no impact to local taxpayers, the replacement of eight school buses, which if approved by voters, will be fully paid for by the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund, and elect three individuals to the Board of Education.

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Deputy Jay Gravelle

Deputy Jay Gravelle is the new school resource officer at Howard L. Goff Middle School.

The East Greenbush Central School District hired Deputy Jay Gravelle from the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Department as its new school resource officer in late November. He succeeds Deputy Jeff Russo and will continue with the same job duties – create a safe and positive school environment, present on safety topics in classes, provide traffic control at arrival and dismissal and serve as a resource for school staff and families.

Deputy Gravelle has been a police officer since 2014. He earned his SRO certification in 2016 and served as the primary substitute SRO at Goff since the position was created two years ago.

“I love it here,” Deputy Gravelle said. “This is a great district and a great area. Most of all, I like working with the kids.”

Deputy Gravelle will be starting a series of presentations for students this winter in which he visits classes to discuss safety topics including internet safety, bullying and decision making.

Deputy Gravelle will also lead safety drills, participate in student clubs such as the No Place for Hate club and join the district’s Safety Committee.

“Deputy Gravelle is a valuable addition to our team and will be working closely with our students, staff and parents,” said Principal Jill Barker. “He is a key asset on our safety team and will be a valuable resource to all of us in the school community. He will continue to partner with the administrative team, teachers and School Counselors to educate our students on important topics that impact middle school students.”

Deputy Jay Gravelle is at Goff Middle School every school day. He can be reached via email at