Mrs. Hart working with a student at her desk

Beth Hart, a 3rd Grade Teacher at Donald P. Sutherland Elementary School, was named 2022 EGTA Teacher of the Year.

Donald P. Sutherland Elementary School teacher Beth Hart has been named Teacher of the Year by the East Greenbush Teachers Association. 

Mrs. Hart, who teaches 3rd grade at DPS, received the award in a surprise announcement when she walked into her classroom one morning earlier this month. Principal Jack Alvey and other DPS teachers were in the room for a Character Education meeting. Then EGTA President and Goff Art Teacher Alison Hosier stepped forward with a bouquet of flowers.

“I was completely surprised and overwhelmed,” Mrs. Hart said. “I’m very grateful to have my colleagues recognize me in this way.”

Mrs. Hart has been a teacher for 31 years, including 21 years in the East Greenbush Central School District. Over that time, she has taught many students and seen them grow up into successful adults.

“When you see them as adults in the community it really makes you recognize your impact on who they’ve become,” she said.

Mrs. Hart has also experienced a lot of change during her career in education, from instructional resources to technology, and even the children themselves. Mrs. Hart said she tries to use different modalities when teaching – writing, reading, drawing, presenting, partner sharing – so that it keeps students interested and engaged.

“You may think that you can remain the same as an educator, you certainly do not,” she said. “Things that I’ve done in the past, even a couple of years ago, I’m doing them differently. I’ve learned more effective ways of teaching and making it more engaging and interactive.”

Mrs. Hart checking a student's work

3rd Grade Teacher Beth Hart helping a student during a science lesson.

For example, during a science lesson last week, students were learning about jellyfish. Mrs. Hart provided students with a magazine article to read and a video to watch on their Chromebooks to learn more about jellyfish. Throughout the lesson she asked questions and walked around the classroom to give 1-on-1 help.

“Our school community is very proud to learn that Mrs. Hart received the EGTA Teacher of the Year,” said DPS Principal Jack Alvey. “She is well deserving of this recognition based on her commitment to the students she currently works with and those she has taught throughout her career. Beth is the ultimate team player lending her time to colleagues and committees at the building and district level. She is admired by myself and our team at DPS!”

The EGTA Teacher of the Year award has been given out annually since 1970. Members submit nomination forms to a committee and then a winner is selected.

“The EGTA Teacher of the Year recognition is given to an EGTA member that embodies all of the things we represent as educators: passion, professionalism, and dedication,” said Mrs. Hosier. “Beth Hart’s colleagues have spoken loudly! It is a great honor to be recognized by your own peers. It was such a pleasure to surprise Beth as she walked into her classroom at DPS with this news. The EGTA is proud to recognize Beth Hart as the 2022 EGTA Teacher of the Year!”

Congratulations to Beth Hart, the 2022 EGTA Teacher of the Year!

A special thanks goes to the Teacher of the Year Committee Co-Chairs Kristen Zilgme and Meagan Asenbauer for their time and effort throughout this process as they graciously serve in this role.

EGTA Teacher of the Year Award

2022       Beth Hart
2021       Audra Di Bacco
2020       All EGTA Members
2019       Maria Fontaine
2018       Scott Siver
2017       Wendy McAlonie
2016       Curtis Sankey
2015       Melissa Gilligan
2014       Nancy Boucher
2013       Monica Blanchfield
2012       Bob Halek
2011       Diana Prout
2010       Jean Decker
2009       Lisa Westman
2008       Linda Kaminski
2007       Peter Zilgme
2006       Christina Rogone
2005       Denise Nahal
2004       The Staff at CHS
2003       Sean Crall
2002       Larraine Gillette
2001       Nikki Carter-Piechnik
2000       Susan Owens
1999       Sally Sroka
1998       Virginia Congemi
1997       Kevin McCann
1996       Mary LaFleur
1995       Linda McCabe
1994       Lynda DeCelle
1993       Denise Poost
1992       Barbara Poole
1991       Kathy DeWeese
1990       Henry Kolakoski
1989       Robert Crosby
1988       Benedict Schaefer
1987       Elizabeth Lyman
1986       Shirley Howard
1985       Carlton Eno
1984       Louise Pearce
1983       Peter Citrolo
1982       Michael Angelo
1981       Marilyn Reeves
1980       Kileen Stone
1979       Edith Cosgrove
1978       Thelma Donahue
1977       Robert King
1976       Jean Burgess
1975       Raymond Gietz
1974       Elizabeth McMaster
1973       Alfred Viola
1972       Bernice Pechenik
1971       Paul Bourgeois
1970       Ruth Herr