By Carter Cantara
The Odyssey of the Mind team of Howard L. Goff Middle School consists of Amelia (Milly) Yoder, Riley Sheehan, Carter Cantara, Ella Rapant, James Hatch, Mattingly Gorski and Benjamin Adadjo. This division two team participated in Problem Two, Odyssey ReOMvention, in which teams had to present a performance that identifies an original threat to the environment that self-replicates until a team-created technical ReOMvention device removes the threat. The performance must include original music, two animal characters, and use ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda in the performance.
The team performance started out in a forest with a rabbit (Mattingly Gorski) and a fox (Benjamin Adadjo). Then enters the villain, Creepy Dude Eliot (Played by Carter Cantara) who created a paper clip virus (The original threat) that destroyed the forest. Eliot sang a song (original music) then set the paper clip virus (Ella Rapant and James Hatch) to destroy the forest. Then enter Eli the Paper Clip Hero (Played by Milly Yoder). Using the Baking Soda Blaster she shoots baking soda at the paperclip virus, destroying it. After realizing that the forest is still destroyed, Jeff Bezos (Played by Riley Sheehan) orders a levitation gun from Amazon and sets all the trees upright again. Creepy Dude Eliot runs away, and everyone calls time, ending the performance.
The Goff Odyssey team placed first in sectionals, and went on to compete in the state championships, where they placed fifth out of nine teams.