Badminton at Genet Fun Day

Students playing badminton at Genet Fun Day on Monday.

Genet Elementary School hosted its annual Fun Day on Monday with students participating in games and activities throughout the school day. Students rotated through stations that included relay races, kickball, volleyball, pickleball, project adventure, cornhole, kan jam, water balloon toss and parachute games.

The event started with Principal Wayne Grignon being dropped into a dunk tank as a school-wide prize for the Ronald McDonald Reading Program. Genet students raised a total of $5,273.75 for the Ronald McDonald House, meeting the principal’s challenge. Second grader Jack Brewer raised the highest total amount so we was the first person to try and dunk Mr. Grignon. On his third and final throw, he hit the target and Mr. Grignon was sent falling into the water.

Other students and staff were given the opportunity to try and dunk Mr. Grignon, including Valerie Fink, Ari Fitzgerald, Dominic Magnetro, Kayla Willbrandt, Mrs. Mancini, Mrs. Giordano, Mr. Howland, Mrs. Nagashima, Mrs. Wager and Sgt. Tubbs from the East Greenbush Police Department.

Special thanks to everyone who made this event possible – Physical Education teachers Kevin Leyhane and Noah Vice, Genet teachers and staff, parent volunteers, the PTO for sponsoring the lunch and the East Greenbush Police Department for stopping by!

Genet Fun Day

Dunk tank at Genet Fun Day

Badminton at Genet Fun Day

Kickball at Genet Fun Day

Genet Fun Day Genet Fun Day Foursquare at Genet Fun Day Cornhole at Genet Fun Day Kan Jam at Genet Fun Day Relay race at Genet Fun Day Relay race at Genet Fun Day Parachute games at Genet Fun Day