School Budget Vote and Board Election - May 21

The East Greenbush CSD has proposed a school budget for 2024-25 that maintains all programs and services with a 0.55% tax levy increase, which is within the NYS Property Tax Cap. Residents will also vote on a $116 million capital project that would improve school facilities and grounds across the district with no impact to local taxpayers, the replacement of eight school buses, which if approved by voters, will be fully paid for by the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund, and elect three individuals to the Board of Education.

Budget Information | Budget Timeline | Budget Newsletter | Capital Project | Where Do I Vote?

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Goff librarySummer vacation is the perfect time to get lost in a good book! Whether you are on a road trip, lounging outside in the backyard or cooling off at the pool, reading an engaging story is one of the most valuable ways to spend your time. In fact, reading for pleasure has been shown to increase vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

Educational experts agree that reading during the summer is the best way to keep and even improve upon all of those literacy skills you learned during the school year. If these benefits are not convincing enough, remember that a good book not only magically transports you to another reality, but it can also give you a broader perspective of the world around you.

This summer, students entering 6th, 7th, and 8th grades have an assignment to read at least one book of their choice. When school starts in the fall, Goff Middle School students will complete an assignment on this book in English class.

2023 Summer Reading Assignment for Incoming 6th, 7th and 8th Graders