School Budget Vote and Board Election - May 21

The East Greenbush CSD has proposed a school budget for 2024-25 that maintains all programs and services with a 0.55% tax levy increase, which is within the NYS Property Tax Cap. Residents will also vote on a $116 million capital project that would improve school facilities and grounds across the district with no impact to local taxpayers, the replacement of eight school buses, which if approved by voters, will be fully paid for by the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund, and elect three individuals to the Board of Education.

Budget Information | Budget Timeline | Budget Newsletter | Capital Project | Where Do I Vote?

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It is officially fall, and that means cooler temperatures, leaves changing colors and students making apple cider at Bell Top Elementary School!

First graders rotated through three stations on Friday, making apple cider in the Learning Barn, making a craft with the life cycle of an apple tree and completing measurement and weight experiments with apples.