School Budget Vote and Board Election - May 21

The East Greenbush CSD has proposed a school budget for 2024-25 that maintains all programs and services with a 0.55% tax levy increase, which is within the NYS Property Tax Cap. Residents will also vote on a $116 million capital project that would improve school facilities and grounds across the district with no impact to local taxpayers, the replacement of eight school buses, which if approved by voters, will be fully paid for by the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund, and elect three individuals to the Board of Education.

Budget Information | Budget Timeline | Budget Newsletter | Capital Project | Where Do I Vote?

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EGTA members clearing lawns for local veterans on Veterans Day

Members of the East Greenbush Teachers Association and students clearing lawns for local veterans on Veterans Day.

The East Greenbush Teachers Association (EGTA) led its 7th annual Veterans Day Lawn Cleanup on Friday, clearing 20 lawns of leaves, sticks and other debris for local veterans. The group of nearly 200 volunteers included East Greenbush CSD teachers, students, scouts, the Columbia Boys’ Baseball and Volleyball teams and Town of East Greenbush employees.

The volunteers raked lawns for three and a half hours and filled more than 400 leaf bags.

“Every year the event grows in size and scope, which is a testament to living in an amazing community and having the greatest coworkers and friends,” said Daniel Wagner, EGTA Secondary Vice President and a Columbia Social Studies teacher.

Special thanks to Mr. Wagner, Lisa Bulgaro O’Brien, Donna Millet and Price Chopper, Hannaford, TruValue and Home Depot for donating the bags!