Questar III and HVCC Open House imageCurrent 8th grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend an in-person open house for the Questar III & HVCC STEM High School on Wednesday, November 29 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Lang Building on the HVCC campus in Troy.

The open house will include a school presentation and building tour.

Questar III & HVCC STEM High School

  • Full day program located at the HVCC campus in Troy
  • Opportunity to earn up to 63 college credits
  • Pathways in Computer Info Systems, Engineering, Environmental Science, and Health Sciences available
  • Workplace learning that includes mentoring, worksite visits, speakers, and internships
  • An opportunity to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree (P-TECH)
  • No cost to families