2023 Goff Geography Bee contestants
Eighth grader Mateo Orong won the 2023 Goff Geography Bee on Friday afternoon in a trivia contest that tested a dozen students in categories such as U.S. Geography, World Geography, World Flags, Famous U.S. and World Landmarks, and World Capitals.

Sohon Michael Gummadi placed second and Freya Whitehead finished in third.

Mateo Orong answering a question at the 2023 Goff Geography Bee.

Mateo Orong won the 2023 Goff Geography Bee on Friday, December 22.

The finals consisted of four contestants answering five multiple answer questions in an attempt to build up points.

Congratulations to all of the student contestants!

  • Cameron Blaauw
  • Tyler Dumont
  • Romiel Esconde
  • Sohon Michael Gummadi
  • Cooper LaGrave
  • Liam McCrae
  • Mateo Orong
  • Kashmala Sahibzada
  • Ezra Shrestha
  • Paige Wagner
  • Kailyn White
  • Freya Whitehead