Genet Student Council has been very busy the past few months, organizing community service projects and building leadership skills.
- In October, they held Socktober, a sock drive that collected 862 pairs of socks that were then donated to the Rensselaer Street Soldiers and the St. Paul’s Center in Rensselaer.
- They sold 1,672 Candygrams at school, raising $836.70 for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in memory of former Genet student, Sean Jucha.
- During the month of December, Student Council sold Make-A-Wish stars raising $325.00 for Make-A-Wish Northeast New York.
During the month of February, Student Council will hold their “Souper Bowl.” Their goal is to collect 700 cans of soup that will be donated to CoNSERNS-U and the Rensselaer Street Soldiers.
Student Council thanks the Genet community for their continued support and generosity!
Genet Student Council has been very busy the past few months, organizing community service projects and building leadership skills.
Projects have included a sock drive and charitable donations to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
— East Greenbush CSD (@EGreenbushCSD) January 26, 2024