School Budget Vote and Board Election - May 21

The East Greenbush CSD has proposed a school budget for 2024-25 that maintains all programs and services with a 0.55% tax levy increase, which is within the NYS Property Tax Cap. Residents will also vote on a $116 million capital project that would improve school facilities and grounds across the district with no impact to local taxpayers, the replacement of eight school buses, which if approved by voters, will be fully paid for by the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund, and elect three individuals to the Board of Education.

Budget Information | Budget Timeline | Budget Newsletter | Capital Project | Where Do I Vote?

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Ms. Trudeau teaching students about weather instruments

Ms. Trudeau teaching students about weather instruments during the Weather and Climate unit in 6th Grade Science.

Sixth grade students in Courtney Trudeau’s science classes at Howard L. Goff Middle School learned about weather instruments as part of their Weather and Climate unit on Friday. The three instruments – a prop anemometer, a psychrometer and a portable weather station – were borrowed from the NYS Mesonet and the Atmospheric Science Department at the University at Albany.

Students learned how the instruments are used to take measurements for wind speed, humidity, temperature, heat index and more.

Ms. Trudeau brought the class to the front of the room to see each of the instruments up close.

For the prop anemometer, which has a propeller on one end and a fin on the other end, she used a large box fan to push the tail while wind speed was calculated on a small display.

“The students enjoyed having an opportunity to get ‘hands on’ with the tools they have been learning about,” said Ms. Trudeau. “Over the past several weeks they have been learning about what causes the weather around them. As we started to talk about how weather forecasters are able to predict the weather, we began to explore the tools they use to do so. Having the ability to see the tools scientists use allows them the chance to really feel like a meteorologist themselves. I like to tell the students about the careers they could have with the content we’re learning, so anytime I get the opportunity to bring the science careers into the classroom, I do!”