New Genet Playground ribbon cutting

Genet Elementary School students cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the new playground.

The East Greenbush Central School District officially opened the new Genet Elementary School playground at a ribbon cutting event on Monday after school. Students, staff and families attended the event so they could see the new playground and celebrate this important upgrade to the school campus.

The playground sits in the same location as the old playground but features a sidewalk around the entire playground – including a pathway up to Romer Field – and new playground structures with slides, swings, monkey bars, climbers, spinners, and musical equipment. Importantly, it also has accessible play areas so individuals with disabilities can also enjoy the playground.

After remarks from Principal Grignon and Superintendent Jeff Simons, students cut the ribbon to officially open the playground. Students quickly ran up the ramp and onto the different pieces of equipment to enjoy the playground.

Special thanks to the Genet Playground Committee, school staff, the Facilities Department, the Business and Finance Department, former Director of Business and Finance Linda Wager, the Board of Education and our construction partners!