Safety Rules and Guidelines

Bus safety drillDistrict policy states that students should be outside waiting at the bus stop 5 minutes before their scheduled pickup time.

Students SHOULD NOT wait inside their house for the bus. This includes waiting in the garage, on the front porch, standing in the front door, etc.

Students should behave in an orderly manner at the bus stop.

Students should stay 15 feet away from where the bus will stop, and should approach the bus only after the door has opened.

When crossing the road always wait for the driver’s signal and remember to look both ways. If you hear the horn, go back.

When exiting the bus it is important to look both ways before stepping off the last step.

Seatbelts should be worn properly.

Help your bus driver keep the bus clean.

Behavior in the classroom should be extended onto the bus. This includes refraining from from throwing anything, shouting, horseplay, use of inappropriate or abusive language or gestures and eating and drinking.

Treat the driver and other students on the bus in the same manner that you would want to be treated.

Be respectful and courteous.

Be mindful of the school bus Danger Zones – these are the areas of the bus that the driver cannot see from the driver’s seat:

  • FRONT OF BUS: Only when the driver can see the child clearly in front of the bus is when they are out of the danger zone.
  • SIDE OF BUS: If a child can touch the bus as they walk along side it than they are in the danger zone.
  • REAR OF BUS: Never cross behind the school bus. It is here where the student is completely out of the driver’s view and also the view of oncoming motorists.


Motorist’s responsibilities

Drivers have the responsibility to maintain the safety of children. When approaching a school bus you must:

  • SLOW DOWN: flashing yellow lights warn that the bus is about to stop.
  • STOP: From both directions, even on divided highways, when a school bus is stopped with it’s red lights flashing.
  • PROCEED: Only when the red lights have been turned off.
  • BE AWARE: Children may be approaching a stopped school bus from any direction.
  • REMEMBER: School buses do not turn right on red and stop at ALL railroad crossings.