Operation Graduation students at East Greenbush Town Park

Operation Graduation students at an end-of-year picnic at the East Greenbush Town Park.

Columbia High School held an end-of-year picnic for the 19 seniors enrolled in the Operation Graduation program on Wednesday at the Red Barn at the East Greenbush Town Park. Each of the students, who will earn diplomas at the school’s graduation ceremony later this month, were recognized for their hard work and determination.

The graduates will be taking different paths after graduation, attending Hudson Valley Community College, enrolling in trade programs and joining the workforce.

“This year’s group of students worked extremely hard to get to graduation,” said Operation Graduation Director Kay Peffers. “They had to step outside of their comfort zone to complete tasks ranging from individual public speaking to small group projects. Each student did things that were hard for them and grew as a result. They should be so proud of how much they accomplished.”

The students were joined at the picnic by their parents, the teachers and staff in the program and Superintendent Jeff Simons.

“I want to applaud each and every one of you for the persistence that you have shown in getting to today,” Mr. Simons told the students. “I know it hasn’t always been easy but you have been dedicated and you have believed in yourselves.”

Congratulations to the graduates!

  • Selena Arroyo-Santos
  • Dakota Bennett
  • Ashley Fallon
  • Shyann Goldup
  • Kyrstin Houser
  • Eric Johnston
  • Miles McLean Lewis
  • Jaiden Monteau
  • Riley Munro
  • Cameron Taft
  • Josh Taylor (Most Improved Award)
  • Jon Wagoner
  • Adam Weeks (Highest GPA Award)
  • Tyheria Wilson (Best Attendance Award)
  • Taiheem Winters