The New York State Comptroller issued a no findings audit for East Greenbush Central School District earlier today, praising the District for its claims auditing process. The audit covered the period of July 1, 2014-August 31, 2015.

“I am pleased that the State Comptroller’s Office approved of our claims processing procedures,” said Superintendent Dr. Angela Nagle.

In its report, the Comptroller’s Office stated, “We commend District officials for establishing effective procedures for processing claims against the District. Establishing and adhering to effective claims auditing procedures decreases the risk that errors or irregularities with processing and paying claims may occur and go undetected.”

The Comptroller’s Office is the “state’s chief fiscal officer who ensures that State and local governments use taxpayer money effectively and efficiently to promote the common good,” according to its website.

The District was last audited by the State Comptroller in 2008.


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