2016 District-wide Art ShowStudents revealed their artistic superpowers at the District-wide Art Show on Thursday evening at Columbia High School. Families and community members walked slowly through the halls, stopping to examine the artwork hanging on walls and easels.

“Everybody loves doing this,” said Columbia senior Hannah Tremblay. “It really inspires people.”

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The Art Show, which had a superhero theme, featured nearly 1,000 pieces of art including pencil drawings, pastel drawings, photography, collages, watercolor paintings and sculptures.

“A lot of this could be used professionally,” said Robert Clancy, who owns a marketing and graphic design firm. He is the father of a Columbia student and the host-parent of two foreign exchange students.  “I’m always impressed with the beautiful artwork here.”

Heroes at 2016 District-wide Art ShowClancy, who volunteers at the school through Junior Achievement, was one of six real-life superheroes honored at the event. U.S. Army National Guard military police officer Alyssa Germano ’12, volunteer firefighter Kylie Cotugno ’16, EMT Brianna Flagg ’10, volunteer firefighter Jack Backman-Grottoli ’19 and School Resource Officer Peter Partak were also recognized at the Art Show.

“I wouldn’t classify myself as a hero, but it feels good (to be recognized),” Flagg said.

The Art Show was setup by the District’s art teachers and coordinated by Columbia Art Teacher Patti LeRoy.

“It is such a pleasure to be a teacher and see the amazing creative abilities of my students,” LeRoy said. “Having a district-wide art show allows students to express themselves, find their voice, appreciate beauty and be able to self-evaluate. The art show creates responsibility and allows students to become involved with their community and connect with people on a different level.”