Megan Scolaro teaching

Genet music teacher Megan Scolaro

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Wow! Our last Genet Journal for the school year! How did this happen?!

Congratulations to our Grade 5 students who will be Moving-Up on Wednesday, June 22nd. We wish them the very best as they move on to the next leg of their education in middle school. They are well prepared for Grade 6 and have been taught and guided by a caring staff of educators since their arrival in Kindergarten. We know that our Genet students will be people of character and good examples to all they meet in the years ahead.

Congratulations to Mrs. Megan Scolaro, who has been named a Golden Apple Teacher of Excellence by Senator Kathleen Marchione. Mrs. Scolaro will be presented with her award by Superintendent Angela Nagle at a special ceremony on Thursday, June 23rd in the Board of Education Conference Room in the Administration Center. Mrs. Scolaro is Genet’s General Music teacher, Chorus Director, and Orchestral instruments instructor. We are so proud of Mrs. Scolaro and pleased that her talent and positive impact on our school are being recognized!

If you need to contact us over the summer months, please leave a voice message on our main school number, 207-2680, or email me at

Have a fun-filled safe summer, Genet families!

Best wishes,

Ana Yeomans   

Upcoming Events

  • Monday, June 20 – Kindergarten to George’s Greenhouse
  • Monday, June 20 – Mrs. Beams’ (9:30 AM) and Mrs. Blander’s (2:00 PM) Writing Celebration
  • Wednesday, June 22 – Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony at 9:30 AM in the Auditorium
  • Thursday, June 23 – Last Day of school for students. Dismissal begins at 11:05 AM.