Geography Bee held in the Goff Middle School gymEighth grader Gavin Trautman won the 2nd annual Goff Geography Bee on Friday. The competition, which was held in the school gym, tested a dozen students on their knowledge of U.S. and world geography, flags, landmarks and U.S. quarters.

Gavin Trautman answers a question at the Goff Geography Bee

Gavin Trautman answers a question at the Goff Geography Bee.

The contestants qualified for the tournament by having the highest scores on a school-wide qualifying test in December.

The final question was: “Seven nations lay claims on the continent of Antarctica. Name all 7.” (Answer: United Kingdom (England), Norway, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, France.)

Only Mr. Trautman was able to answer all seven.

Congratulations to all of the participants!

  • David Alaxanian
  • Akshat Arinau
  • Sam Brody
  • Bridget Burns
  • Evan Farnan
  • Anna Hallock
  • Neil Paul
  • Thomas Roche
  • Colin Smith
  • Brian Tobin
  • Gavin Trautman
  • Kashi Walsh
  • Tyler Wright