Dear Parents and Guardians,

Wow!  What a fun night we had at Lip Sync last Friday evening!  The 19th Annual Lip Sync Concert featured 30 acts and over 130 of our children.  Many adults were talking after the fact about how much courage and self-confidence it takes as a young person to stand on a big stage, in front of hundreds of people, and perform.  And how about those talented teachers!  A very special thanks to the PTO for sponsoring this night.  The Lip Sync Committee members deserve a big pat on the back for a job well done.  Any time you can get 30 acts on and off stage in under two hours you know lots of planning and effort to organize a smooth event have taken place.

Congratulations to Mrs. Davis for coordinating another very successful STEM Fair on Wednesday evening.  Our students’ interest in exploring and investigating topics that broaden their understanding of the world around us, and how things work, is amazing!  I have to thank our parents for supporting their children’s interests and encouraging them in their pursuits.  I also need to acknowledge Mrs. Davis and Mr. Siver for coming to school on the Snow Day on Tuesday to set-up and prepare the gym for the STEM Fair.  Together with recruited family members, and Mr. Roe and Mr. Howland from our Maintenance Department, the gym was ready and waiting on Wednesday morning for projects to arrive!  Thank you, all!

I think we are all feeling a bit finished with this winter and with the snow.  I’m hoping we have seen the last of it.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

Thinking Spring,

Ana Yeomans

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