Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Brrr! Is it really spring outside? I don’t ever remember a spring break that was so cold in our area. I hope the warmth hits us soon!

We had a very busy month in March. A special thank you goes out to our PTO for once again hosting the Children’s Fair and Talent Show. Both events were well organized and attended. A special congratulations needs to go out to all of our students that entertained us at the Talent Show. A night of “stars” was a part of the evening for our DPS community. I continue to love the variety, passion, and confidence of all the performers.

Congratulations to our Odyssey of the Mind teams that recently participated in regional competition. Each team impressively represented our school and our one of our intermediate teams took third place in their problem solving division. The teams put in about 60 hours on their long-term solution. Within the region, there were a total of 20 school districts, 94 teams, and about 675 student participants. Way to go DPS and Ella Rapant, Alyssa Sentz, Scott Szalay, Shelby Rivers, Ben Adadjo, James Hatch, and Mattingly Gorski! Our school community would like to thank Paul Janiszewski, Frank Rapant, and Trish Rapant and all of our parents for their continued dedication and support of our students that were involved in the program.

At the end of the month, our Character Education Committee will send out an application for our 9th Annual DPS Flag Contest. Students will have an opportunity to create a flag for our school for the 2018-2019 School Year. Flags will first be evaluated by our Character Education Committee. We will then select a group of finalists for our annual vote in the voting booth. This year it will take place on Tuesday, May 15th. Once again, we will have a real school flag made based on the winning design. We hope to see a lot of entries!

On Friday, May 18th, our PTO will host our 2nd annual Color Run. The rain date is Friday, May 25th. Registration information has gone out to the boys and girls. If you have any questions, please contact our PTO leadership at or If it is anything like last year, it will be an absolute blast for everyone!

Here are some important dates as we head to the finish line of another great school year:

  • April 11th BOE Meeting @ DPS
  • April 17th BOE Meeting @ Green Meadow
  • April 20th Character Ed Assembly @ 2:15
  • May 1st PTO Meeting @ 6:30 (2018-2019 Budget Presentation by
    Superintendent Simons)
  • May 1st/2nd NYS Mathematics Assessments for grades 3-5
  • May 11th Character Education Assembly @ 2:15
  • May 15th 4th Grade Concert/Book Fair/School Flag Vote
  • May 18th Color Run @ 6:00 p.m.
  • May 25th Students are not in School (Professional Development Day for
  • May 29th Students Return to School from Memorial Day Break
  • May 30th 5th Grade Visits Goff MS
  • June 1st 5th Grade Field Trip to Camp Chingachgook
  • June 5th 5th Grade Mixer
  • June 6th Field Day
  • June 12th School Picnic
  • June 19th Ice Cream Social
  • June 20th 5th Grade Graduation (10:00 a.m.)
  • June 21st Last Day of School

Enjoy the start of spring. I hope it warms up!
Mr. Alvey

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