More than 300 Bell Top students competed in a number of track and field events at their annual Field Day on Wednesday. Fifth grader Molly Marra won the Coaches Cup with a time of 50:07 and broke the standing record of 50:09 held by 2017 winner Cameron Mingle. Molly becomes the first girl in school history to win this event.

Field Day events included:


  • 50m
  • 100m
  • 300m
  • 4x100m relay race


  • Running long jump
  • High jump
  • Vertical jump
  • Standing long jump
  • Softball throw
  • 30-second basketball
  • One-minute jump rope
  • One-minute sit ups
  • Tug-of-war

Ribbons were given to all students for participating in Field Day, as well as for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each event. Thank you to the Bell Top PTO for sponsoring the ribbons and to all of our volunteers.