Students dancing at Genet holiday assembly

Students dancing at Genet’s annual Holiday Morning Program.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It’s the official beginning of Winter today!

I hope that all of our Genet families enjoy a relaxing, peaceful, holiday recess!  When we return after New Year’s we are always amazed at how quickly the school year will begin to speed by.  On behalf of the entire Genet Staff, I send our very best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year ahead for all of our children and their loved ones.

Special thanks to Megan Scolaro, our wonderful Music teacher, for coordinating our now Annual Holiday Morning Program this morning.  The children loved the sing-a-longs and watching our talented Staff sing and dance!  A great morning together as a school family!

And so it begins…
a shiny, brand-new year.
May it bring all of us fresh insights, great hope, a willingness to learn and grow.
A wealth of gratitude,
new understandings,
and acceptance of others,
unparalleled love…
and a little bit of magic!

Best regards,

Ana Yeomans

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