Home Depot associates with Bell Top students

Home Depot associates teamed up with Bell Top students to beautify the school grounds

April showers gave way to May flowers, and East Greenbush schools are looking beautiful thanks to the fine work by maintenance staff. Bell Top Elementary School received some additional help from the community recently as East Greenbush Home Depot Manager Scott Raymond and a team of seven associates (Jen Tychostup, Melody Zaehringer, Dave Selmer, Josh Kraus, Tim Baird, Dave Harris and Shaun Powers) spent a morning last month working on several outdoor projects to beautify the school grounds.

Bell Top signWhat started out as a classroom Earth Day project to fix the school yard habitat picnic area, turned into so much more when Mr. Raymond’s team graciously decided to donate time and supplies to improve other outdoor areas around the school.

With the help of some students from Bell Top’s Language Concepts class, Mr. Raymond and his team cleaned up the flower beds in the butterfly garden, mulched several areas around the school, created a bird watching picnic area (complete with bird feeders and houses) and cleared leaves and debris from the nature trail.

“Students and staff have already made use of these areas and they are grateful for all the time, effort and donated supplies that went into the completion of these projects,” said Bell Top teacher Barbara Schielke, who coordinated the project. “Bell Top students are truly grateful for the opportunity they were given to work alongside community members to improve their school.”

Thank you East Greenbush Home Depot for your dedication to our community!