Dear Genet Families!

Happy Friday Everyone! I hope you have recovered from a long weekend and getting back into the mode of a school week! On Tuesday we saw a lot of tired faces enter Genet, but by Friday everyone was back to their happy-go-lucky-selves!

This week we had our practice Evacuation and a Lock Down Drill. Our students did a wonderful job during both drills! We had police on site for both drills and numerous times they commented to me about how well behaved our students were. That is contributed to your support at home and taking the time to discuss appropriate behaviors during our Evacuation Drill. I spent some time visiting our Kindergartens to speak to them about the Lock Down Drill and answering some great questions.

This week we also had our Fire Safety Presentation by East Greenbush Fire Department and our School Picture Day! A special thank you to our Firefighters for taking the time out of their day to speak to our students regarding the importance of Fire Safety!

Another wonderful event we hosted on October 17th was our ENL Open House for our new families to Genet and East Greenbush CSD. It was wonderful getting an opportunity to meet many of you and having conversations on curriculum and how we can work together for your child’s success!

We also had our Fall Fun Run and it was a great time! Thank you to our PE Department (Mr. Jones and Mr. Leyhane) for organizing this fun event for our students and the PTO for donating apples!

In your child(ren)’s bookbags this week came home a letter from our Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Mr. James McHugh, regarding the Emergency Go-Home Drill scheduled for Friday, November 8, 2019. Please take a moment and review that letter.

Here is some info on upcoming events at Genet:

  • October 21st-October 25th Genet’s Scholastic Book Fair! – Flyers were sent home on Monday this week with all the wonderful book selections for our students. If you are interested in assisting with this event, please reach out to the PTO.
  • October 25th – Character Education Morning Program – 1st Grade will be bringing their Character Ed month to a close on this date. Parents are welcome to come and view the morning program!
  • October 25th – Movie Night sponsored by the Genet and Green Meadow PTO! Flyers went home with students this week! I look forward to watching Descendants 3 with all of our students and any other students that will join us from Green Meadow! Again, the Genet PTO is looking for extra help at this event.
  • October 31 – Genet’s Halloween Parade! Please refer to the letter regarding expectations and procedures for this event that was sent home last week. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and I look forward to a safe and fun event for our school!
  • November 4 –  Genet’s PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM in the Genet Conference Room. All are welcome to attend!
  • November 5 –  No School – Election Day and K-12 Full Day Professional Development Day for Faculty and Staff.
  • November 8 – Emergency Go Home Drill – On this day we will be dismissing 15 minutes earlier and students are expected to go to the location on their verification form. If you are unsure what your emergency location is, please contact Mrs. Giordano in the Main Office at Genet Elementary School.
  • November 8 –  Genet’s Veterans Day Salute! Be on the lookout for a letter from my office coming home next week!
  • November 11 – No School –  Veterans Day
  • November 20 –  Half-Day for K-5 – Parent Teacher Conferences in the afternoon and evening.
  • November 27-29th – Thanksgiving Recess!

Thank you for your continued support of Genet and I wish you all the best this coming week!


Wayne Grignon

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