Dear Genet Families!

Happy Friday and first day of November! I hope everyone had a wonderful time Trick or Treating yesterday and it is hard to believe November is already here. I am glad that the weather cooperated and we were able to hold our Halloween Parade outdoors yesterday. Thank you again to all our families for being flexible with the arrangements as the parade is tied directly to the weather.

As a reminder to our families, Genet has instituted a new bell system. Here is a review of our bell schedule and what the bells denote:

  • 8:40 AM – Signals Student Arrival
  • 8:55 AM – Late Bell – any students arriving after this bell will be tardy to school
  • 3:05 PM – Dismissal Bell – bell will begin student dismissal with an announcement

November 4th marks the end of their first marking period for our students at Genet. This is an opportunity to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher to review any missing work or have any questions answered. Report Cards will come home with students on November 19th – a day before Parent-Teacher Conferences begin. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.

A reminder that next week on Tuesday, November 5th, in the Genet Auditorium, the East Greenbush Central School District will host their first of three community forums for this Fall to discuss school start times and the impact potential changes would have on its stakeholders. Next Tuesday’s meeting is focused on the elementary level. At each of the meetings, information will be shared, including a proposal to adjust school start times, with the intent of gathering feedback. The program includes:

  • Background—Why is the district considering changing school start times
  • Summary of the School Start Time Committee’s Findings
  • Presentation of Survey Results
  • Facilitated Discussion Groups

Parents and staff are encouraged to attend the session designated for their level, however, based on availability, all sessions are open to anyone. The goal of these community forums is to gather more feedback about this topic so that a summary of options can be presented to the Board of Education in December.

News and updates from The Art Room, by Mrs. Letourneau
Fifth graders have been hard at work creating their self portraits based on the book Wonder, by RJ Palacio. Students are also reading the book in their regular classrooms. We looked at the abstract and symbolic image of the main character, Auggie on the cover of the book, which was created by the artist Tad Carpenter. Students experimented with liquid watercolors and salt, and chalk with liquid starch and had a choice of which medium they used for their face. Fifth graders continue to work hard on their expressive portraits and are in the process of filling in the space around their image with words and messages describing who they are as unique individuals. They are doing a beautiful job!

News and Updates from the Library, by Mrs. Garno
The book fair was a big success! Thank you to everyone that volunteered and came to shop. Thank you also to the PTO for their generous donation to the library. We will be getting new books and a new bookcase for displays.

We love to see the Book Fair come, but we also love to get back to our normal routine in the library. We are going to be looking at Primary Sources in 4th grade, Understanding what “Fake News” is in 5th. Students in 2nd Grade will start to look at resources that can be used for research. In Kindergarten and 1st, we have read about Halloween and will continue learning and reading about Fall. In 3rd Grade students will dream about their ideal library and read Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library.

Here is some info on upcoming events at Genet:

  • November 4 – Genet’s PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM in the Genet Conference Room. All are welcome to attend!
  • November 5 – No School – Election Day and K-12 Full day Professional Development Day for Faculty and Staff.
  • November 5 – School Start Time Community Forum, 6:30-8:30 PM in the Genet Auditorium
  • November 8 – Emergency Go Home Drill – On this day we will be dismissing 15 minutes earlier and students are expected to go to the emergency location on their Student Verification Form. If you are unsure what your emergency location is, please contact Mrs. Giordano in the Main Office at Genet Elementary School.
  • November 8 – Genet’s Veterans Day Salute! Notification on this event was sent home last week. If you missed it, please reach out to the Genet Main Office. We are asking our grade levels to wear different colored shirts on that day. The colors are as follows: 4th and 5th Grade—RED, Kindergarten and 1st Grade-WHITE, 2nd and 3rd Grade-BLUE
  • November 11 – No School – Veterans Day
  • November 20 – Half-Day for K-5 – Parent Teacher Conference in the afternoon and evening.
  • November 27-29th – Thanksgiving Recess!

Thank you for your continued support of Genet and I wish you all the best this coming week!


Wayne Grignon

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