Dear Genet Families!

Welcome Back and Happy Friday! I hope you and your child(ren) had an enjoyable vacation. I walked around Genet this week and spoke with students about their vacations. Many students were excited and eager to return to Genet, and to be honest, I was happy to see everyone return. The building is a bit dull without the staff and students here!

This week we celebrated the 100th day of school on Tuesday, February 25th! Our kindergarteners were treated by a visit of “Zero the Hero” who helps reinforce all the important milestones of the school year!

I would like to thank the PTO and the families that were able to attend the Chuck E. Cheese fundraiser. It was well attended and all the earnings go directly to our PTO to continue providing wonderful learning experiences for our students.

REMINDER: Mark Your Calendars!!! Informational flyers for Genet’s upcoming STEM Fair were sent home with students several weeks ago. We are looking forward to student participation in this wonderful school wide event! Please take a moment and review the details outlined in the flyer. The STEM Fair will take place on Wednesday, March 18th from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

Genet’s Lip Sync information was sent home this week! The date of our event this year is later than usual because of calendar conflicts with various events. This year, the event will take place on Friday, April 24th. Be on the lookout for the informational flyer! If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail the PTO.

Reminders: One of the most important factors in determining student success is a student’s attendance at school. When students are frequently absent, they miss out on important activities, learning opportunities and student-teacher interactions that take place in the classroom. This can also have an impact on student learning when students are habitually tardy (coming in late or leaving early) to school. Please also remember to send your child(ren) in with a note upon their return to Genet. We look forward to a continued year of success working together and watching your child(ren) grow!

Updates from the Art Room, by Mrs. Letourneau
Kindergarteners continue adding to their impressive Piet Mondrian collages, by printing with paint, using the edge of cardboard.

First graders will be learning about and drawing a barn owl this week. We will focus on seeing lines and shapes and where they connect. Oil pastels, values of brown crayons, and black and silver markers will be used to complete them. Cannot wait to see the results from these awesome young artists!

We will be creating koala shaped pattern paper silhouettes, in second grade, while thinking about our animal friends down-under in the country/continent of Australia.

Third graders will be starting their fiber unit shortly. They will learn the terms of warp and weft, while unweaving burlap threads and then weaving a variety of materials through the burlap. Students are very focused when they do this project, as they must keep a count of the threads, as they pull them from the burlap.

Fourth graders are starting their Winter Tree Sunset Silhouette watercolor painting, and learning how to achieve various paint-on-paper techniques.

Fifth graders are beginning their striking Blue Mountain Range paintings. For inspiration, we plan on watching a video of Bob Ross–the 1980-90’s TV artist/painter icon!…. as he demonstrates how he achieves the illusion of depth, while painting a sky and mountains.

Updates from the Music Room, by Mrs. Scolaro
Students in grades 2-5 have been working on their boomwhacker compositions with their teams and the musical creativity in the room has been incredible to see! This week 2nd grade will be performing their compositions in music class so everyone can hear what wonderful musical ideas each team has created. I look forward to hearing all of these wonderful compositions this week! Students in grades 3-5 will be able to present their works of art in a few weeks. Our Genet first graders are completing the instrument family unit this week with a fun game of identifying instruments and then organizing them into one of the four different instrument families of the orchestra. We have had so much listening to the different instrument sounds in music class!

A list of upcoming events at Genet:

  • March 3, 2020 – Coding Club @ 8:00 AM
  • March 4, 2020 – Wacky Wednesday – Mismatch Day!
  • March 5, 2020 – Coding Club @ 8 AM
  • March 6, 2020 – Morning Program @ 9:00 AM in the auditorium
  • March 6, 2020 – Second Term closes for Report cards!
  • March 12, 2020 – K-5 Half- Day. Dismissal begins at 11:05 AM. Parent-Teacher Conferences in the afternoon

Thank you for your continued support of Genet and from all of us here, we wish you a happy and healthy upcoming week! Do not forget that on Monday, March 2nd it is Dr. Seuss’ birthday!


Wayne Grignon

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