Howard L. Goff Middle School will be hosting an in-person 6th Grade Orientation on Thursday, September 10. We want to allow the students an opportunity to tour the building and see where their classes will be before their first day in 6th grade. In an effort to help you plan for the 6th Grade Orientation, below is information for 6th grade students and their parents/guardians.

Students must sign up for orientation using the following link ​6th Grade Orientation Sign Up​ and should plan to be in the building for approximately 30 minutes.

While in the building, you will see changes related to social distancing guidelines. In compliance with safety guidelines, please review the following:

  • You must sign up using the link above. Please arrive at your scheduled time and limit your time in the building. There are 17, half-hour time slots available for a maximum of 20 students per time slot (9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.). If you have more than one 6th grade student, you ​must​ sign up for each child separately. This will help maintain our maximum number of occupants and keep track of student names who are in the building.
  • One adult/parent per 6th-grade student, ​no​ siblings will be allowed in an effort to maintain a safe capacity in the building.
  • Entry will be at the main entrance of the building and you will exit the building through the Red House side door which is located on the first floor of the Red House.
  • You will check-in at the main entrance. There will be cones set up outside that will indicate 6 feet of distance. We ask while you are waiting to enter, you stand at the cones to social distance.
  • At the main entrance, we will have a list of names of students who have signed up for each time slot. Please arrive on time for your scheduled time slot as we will need to maintain a record of names for contact tracing purposes.
  • Temperatures will be taken at the main entrance of the building prior to entering. Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will not be allowed to enter the building.
  • Masks must be worn the entire time you are in the building.
  • Please maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from others at all times. There are signage and floor markings around the building indicating 6 feet of distance.
  • Stay home if feeling ill or were exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Students will have about 30 minutes to tour the building. At the 25-minute mark, an announcement will be made for guests to make their way to the first floor of the Red House to exit the building so that we can allow the next group to enter the building. Students will not be assigned lockers this year, so you will not need to plan for locker decorating or practice opening the locker. We will have student volunteers in the building to help guide you around the building and answer questions. Students will also be given a map of the building with specific locations highlighted. While some teachers may be in the building during your visit, they are ​not​ available for a meeting or conversation as they are working hard to prepare their classrooms for our students.

If you have any questions, please call Goff Middle School at 518-207-2430.

View 6th Grade Orientation Letter