Dear Genet Families!

Welcome to the new school year! We have had a wonderful and exhilarating first week of school. I feel very excited to welcome all of our new families to Genet. This year we are also welcoming new staff at school. I would like to welcome and introduce to the Genet Community:

  • Ms. Stephany Bradley – Grade 1
  • Ms. Alysia Brunner – Grade 5
  • Ms. Cassidy Craig – Grade 4
  • Ms. Allison McArdle – LOA for Language Concepts
  • Ms. Sarah Murawski – Grade 5

I know that you will join me in welcoming our new staff members to Genet!

I want to thank our PTO for providing all students with mask lanyards to start the school year! A wonderful gift to help start the school year without worry about our mask getting lost or falling to the ground. Another thank you to the PTO for providing all of our Kindergarteners with their first Genet T-Shirt!

BE ON THE LOOKOUT: Student Verification Forms

Yesterday and today, students who are reporting to Genet received a pink copy of their student verification information. It is important that this form be returned to Genet as soon as possible! Please make sure the following information is correct:

  • Approved person(s) to pick up child/children
  • Updated Phone Numbers
  • Updated e-mail addresses
  • Emergency Contacts and phone numbers
  • Please indicate at the bottom of the form Web/News Permission – You must circle Yes or No
  • Please remember to sign the form when you return it at the bottom 🙂

Students who are on remote, your forms will be mailed home and we ask that you fill out the information and return it back to Genet. You may either mail it or drop it off at the Main Office.

I am working on plans for Open House this year with our district and my colleagues at the other 4 elementary schools. Once those plans are finalized, I will be communicating with all of our families regarding how we will run Open hlouse this year and you can get an opportunity to meet your child(ren)’s teacher and hear about the curriculum expectations for the school year.

On Friday, September 25th the Town of East Greenbush and Genet Elementary School are “Going Gold” in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness. Please consider sending your child(ren) to school that day wearing either an item (ex. Ribbon, shirt, shoes, socks), that is either Gold or Yellow in support of the day and in support of all children with cancer. If your child(ren) is not in school that day, please feel free to still participate and send your pictures to me at school and I will get them uploaded on our district’s Twitter Feed! 🙂

This year, as we are all aware, is like no other. Together we will continue to work collaboratively together as a School and Community to make this year the best we can for our students; because they deserve the best. The staff and I are eager to work with you to make this a happy, fun-filled year of meaningful learning experiences for your child.


Wayne Grignon

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