Dear Genet Families!

We have had another tremendous week at Genet! The crisp cool weather is a telltale sign that Fall is here! Today, Genet went Gold in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Thank you to everyone who supported the cause from our staff and students (both in person and remote!).

There is no school on Monday, September 28th in observance of Yom Kippur. When we return on Tuesday, September 29th, it will be a B Day for students and will be the 3rd Week in the Rotation of our specials. It will also be an A Week for students for their extra PE.

Safety Drills have begun and will continue through the end of this month and October. These include fire drills, lockout and lockdown drills. Students practice their first bus drill on September 29th for B cohort students and on Thursday, October 1st for A cohort students. I applaud our students on being attentive and demonstrating active listening during our first two fire drills earlier this week. I was very impressed!

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Please return your Student Verification Forms back to Genet

Last Week students who are reporting to Genet received a pink copy of their student verification information. Students who are all virtual also should have received their pink student verification forms by Tuesday/Wednesday of this week. It is important that this form be returned to Genet as soon as possible! Please make sure the following information is correct:

  • Approved person(s) to pick up child/children
  • Updated Phone Numbers
  • Updated e-mail addresses
  • Emergency Contacts and phone numbers
  • Please indicate at the bottom of the form Web/News Permission – You must circle Yes or No
  • Please remember to sign the form when you return it at the bottom 🙂

Students who are on remote may either mail it or drop it off at the Main Office.

A Special Note from the Health Office:
I am looking forward to working with all of you to ensure that the year is a healthy one. Our students learn their best when their health is at its best. Please advise me if your child has any contagious diseases, major illness, or any surgery throughout the school year. If your child is excluded from gym/recess for a medical reason, a doctor’s note will be required before your child may resume activities.

As a reminder NYS requires a physical exam for all new entering students and in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.

If your child needs to have any medication here at school the following is needed:

  • Parent permission
  • Doctor’s order and an adult needs to bring the medication to school
  • Please do not send the medication in via the book bag!

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please feel free to contact me regarding any health concerns throughout the school year. My e-mail address is

Genet Open House Update

Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 15th from 6:00-8:00 PM! We will be holding a virtual Open House this school year for families. Times and additional information will be forthcoming as we continue to finalize details.

A quick note from the Genet PTO:
Dear Genet Families! Our school’s online Fall Fundraisers are now live. Just like everything else, they look a bit different this year. But one thing that is still the same, we’re raising money to support our students and entire Genet community. We will be limited on fundraisers this year, so we encourage everyone to check it out and spread the word to family and friends. Click here to get started: Thank you for your support!

That concludes this week’s Genet Journal! I wish you all the best this weekend and next week.


Wayne Grignon

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