Dear Bell Top Families,

Students were able to show their autumn spirit by participating in the Bell Top dress up in ‘orange and black’ days this week. All students received a small pumpkin which they can bring home and decorate. Thank you to our Bell Top PTO for sponsoring the pumpkin give-away. Snow has arrived early this year which is a good reminder to dress appropriately for the weather.

Emergency ‘Go-Home” Drill

On November 9th & 10th we will be practicing our required yearly emergency “Go-Home” drill. Dismissal will begin 15 minutes earlier than usual. On these days, students will be dismissed to the location which you have indicated on the student verification form in the event of an emergency closing. All student pickups on this day need to be done by 2:45 p.m.

Report Cards

The first trimester of school ends on November 6th. Time sure does fly by! Student report cards for kindergarten, first, fourth and fifth grade will be emailed to parents. Report cards for grades two and three will be printed and sent home.

Parent Conferences

There are two parent conference days in the school calendar that are coming soon. They are scheduled for November 19th and December 2nd. These are half-days of school for students. Teachers will be reaching out to parents for sign-up times. Due to Covid-19 concerns, all conferences will be held virtually this year.

Veterans Day

I wish to extend my gratitude and appreciation to all Veterans, especially to those of Bell Top families. Their service to our country is not forgotten. We are not able to hold our traditional Veterans Day Recognition Ceremony at Bell Top this year due to Covid-19 concerns. We look forward to resuming this special tradition in the future.

Holiday Wishes

I truly hope that all Bell Top families have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday. May you experience joy and peace during the upcoming holiday season.

November Important Dates

  • 11/1 – Daylight Savings Time Ends (turn clocks back one hour)
  • 11/2 – District Safety committee virtual meeting @ 6:00 pm
  • 11/3 – Half-day of school (Professional Development for teachers)
  • 11/4 – Board of Education virtual Meeting @ 7:00 pm
  • 11/9 – Emergency ‘Go-Home’ drill (A Day)
  • 11/10 – Emergency ‘Go-Home’ drill (B Day)
  • 11/11 – Veterans Day – No School
  • 11/18 – Report cards go home
  • 11/18 – Board of Education virtual Meeting @ 7:00 pm
  • 11/19 – Half-day of school (Parent Conferences)
  • 11/25 – 11/27 Thanksgiving Recess – No School

Please visit our district website at for any updates or news regarding COVID-19 and the district reopening plan.


Martin Mahar

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